The Observation Blind
Visitors will someday be able to watch in awe as birds take flight, mammals forage, and the beauty of nature unfolds before their eyes.
To ensure the protection of wildlife and their habitats, Hawthorn Hollow is committed to finding new ways for the public to enjoy and appreciate nature up close with as little impact as possible.
With the help of a public fundraising campaign, funding from the Natural Resources Foundation Quiet Trails Fund, and assistance from organizations, Hawthorn Hollow hopes to begin construction of the wildlife blind and wetland education station in the fall of 2024.

The Thursday Morning Club Overlook
The Thursday Morning Overlook is complete and open to the public in Margaret’s Garden. Thank you to all who supported this project!
This overlook celebrates the legacy of The Thursday Morning Club, a dedicated group of volunteers who have been passionate about Hawthorn Hollow for decades.