Celebrate with us!
Hawthorn Hollow Nature Sanctuary and Arboretum is excited to be hosting Earth Week festivities from Monday, April 22nd- Saturday, April 27th. As a local non-profit nature center, Hawthorn Hollow is thrilled to be offering free educational programs, volunteer days, and a photo contest in celebration of Earth Week. This year, Earth Day and Arbor Day fall within the same week, prompting this celebration of the natural world and preserving the environment. The public is invited to join on any or all days within the week to assist in the mission to preserve and protect the natural areas within the 90-acre sanctuary.

No Registration Required. Please park in the Main Parking Lot and meet at the observatory.

Please email Emily Leonard if you plan to attend: ELeonard@HawthornHollow.org

Please email Emily Leonard if you plan to attend: ELeonard@HawthornHollow.org

Registration is REQUIRED. Visit the Night Hikes page to learn more.

No Registration Required. Please park in the Main Parking Lot and meet in front of the Nature Center.

No Registration Required. Please park in the Main Parking lot and meet in front of the Nature Center.

Photography Contest Voting Details
The finalists for the Hawthorn Hollow Earth Week Photography Contest are in!!
CLICK HERE TO VOTE: https://forms.gle/CFABRXJL5aYy8bc36
- Please view our four categories and vote for your favorite from each category! Categories are: Flora, Fauna, Landscape, and Posed. Three finalists were chosen by Hawthorn Hollow staff. One winner from each category will receive Hawthorn Hollow-related prizes.
- Voting will end on Sunday, April 28th at 9am. Winners will be posted at 12p (noon) on Sunday, April 28th. Please vote one time for each category.
- Winners will be announced on social media on Sunday, April 28th. Winners will recieve a Hawthorn Hollow-related prize. This could include- special event tickets, educational program tickets, photo permits, and more.
Please email Laura Smith with any questions regarding the photo contest- LSmith@HawthornHollow.org
For questions relating to Earth Day festivities, please email
Kailyn Palomares, Naturalist: Kailyn@HawthornHollow.org
Emily Leonard, Ecologist: ELeonard@HawthornHollow.org
Call us! (262)552-8196