This has been a challenging year for the world at large and your local nature center has been significantly impacted along with it. Through thick and thin Hawthorn Hollow has strived to be the source of environmental education for the community while protecting and restoring our natural areas.

During these trying times, it is important to have a place to escape. A place to walk by yourself with your thoughts. A place to enjoy with your family. A place to call home. Since 1970 Hawthorn Hollow has been this place for Southeastern Wisconsin, free and open to the public.


 When Hawthorn Hollow decided to reopen after 2 months of Wisconsin’s Safer at Home Order, we decided to make every effort we could to offer safe programing and events. We limited participants to follow CDC guidelines and changed venues for events to accommodate social distancing. For our largest event, the Art Fair, and our largest field trips, we have gone virtual. In doing so, we prevent thousands of people from gathering on site. These limitations were necessary, but have resulted in a significant loss in revenue.

Despite these obstacles, our staff made tremendous efforts to find creative ways to carry on with Hawthorn Hollow’s missions of education and preservation. We created new programs with weekly night hikes and Observatory events. Exhibits such as the Kenosha Public Library partnered StoryWalk® and the Pet Cemetery “Beasts of the Woods” are new destinations for visitors. A new fundraiser event was introduced in “Stories & Songs by the Campfire.” All of which we hope to further develop going into next year.


Through the challenges of 2020, Hawthorn Hollow has kept land management a top priority. Major headway on the ravine and wetland restoration project was made. After grant awards, 3 acres of tree rows where removed on our new property to make way for a prairie, wetland and ravine restoration.

We ask that you please consider making a monetary contribution to support Hawthorn Hollow. Your tax deductible donation will go a long way in ensuring Hawthorn Hollow continues to carry out the mission.

We are grateful to have your generous support.

Krista Reck
Board President
Hyslop Foundation

TJ Leveque
Executive Director
Hawthorn Hollow

Please fill out form when making a donation. 

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If donating by check, please make it payable to Hawthorn Hollow. Please fill out and mail in this form with your check to: Hawthorn Hollow 880 Green Bay Road Kenosha, WI 53144