The Annual Fund Drive provides a vital source of unrestricted funds, which support everything from our arboretum and gardens to the purchase of maintenance equipment and support of our educational programs. Hawthorn Hollow receives no government funding and relies on community-based support from people like you.
Your gift is essential and ensures that Hawthorn Hollow advances its mission to cultivate appreciation, understanding
and stewardship of our natural and local heritage through environmental education and sanctuary preservation.
Donate Here
Levels of Support
Naturalist – ($50 – $350) As a Naturalist you will be providing immediate maintenance support, and you receive an income tax deduction and other possible tax savings.
Presrvation Club
Preservationist – ($500-$5,000) As a Preservationist you will also receive recognition on the appreciation board outside the H. Chris Hyslop Nature Center building.
Legacy Society
A charitable planned gift can guarantee the continued development and preservation of Hawthorn Hollow for future generations. The Legacy Society is made up of those who indicate that they are including Hawthorn Hollow in their will or estate plan. Most bequests are usually given as a percentage of one’s estate, a specific gift amount, or a residual amount. You may also consider making Hawthorn Hollow a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account. If you choose to include Hawthorn Hollow in your will or estate plan, name us as The Hyslop Foundation.
Your support will stay with Hawthorn Hollow, all undesignated estate gifts are added to the Hyslop Foundation’s general endowment fund providing a permanent source of funding. You may also designate your gift to a specific program, project or activity of your choosing.
Corporate Sponsorship
A variety of events and programs provide innovative marketing opportunities for sponsors at all levels. Corporate philanthropy enables the Sanctuary to actively move on its mission, in effect the stewardship of our natural and local heritage. A partnership with Hawthorn Hollow demonstrates an important commitment to the environment and to the conservation of the natural world.