Friday (May 7) 9:00 pm – 11:00 pm

The Eta Aquariids, also sometimes known as the Eta Aquarids, are one of two meteor showers from Halley’s comet. Its sister shower, the Orionids, will peak in October. Specks from the Eta Aquariids streak through the sky at about 148,000 miles per hour, making it one of the fastest meteor showers. Its display is better seen from the Southern Hemisphere where people normally enjoy between 20 and 30 meteors per hour during its peak. The Northern Hemisphere tends to see about half as many.

Come out to The Schoolyard Observatory and enjoy a relaxing evening as we sit back in our anti-gravity chairs, watch the meteors fall as we point out other interesting night sky objects.

Each 2-hour session will be confirmed by email at least 24 hours before scheduled according to the cloud cover forecast (< 30%). Tickets are transferable for any observatory nightly event in cases of poor weather conditions.

Have questions? Please contact us at

Purchase tickets here, or call 262-552-8196.