by William Parker | Oct 4, 2020 | Observatory, Observatory Events, One-Time
Friday (Oct. 23) 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Come out to Hawthorn Hollow Schoolyard Observatory and take turns looking through our 16-inch telescope at the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Mars all in one night! And as an added bonus we may still see some amazing meteors from the Orionid shower that peaked just days prior.
This event is weather-dependent and will be canceled by e-mail 24 hours before scheduled start time in the event of a cloud cover forecast greater than 30%.
Dress appropriately for being still in nighttime outdoor weather.
Purchase tickets here or call 262-552-8196.
by William Parker | Oct 4, 2020 | Education, Observatory, Observatory Events, Repeating
Wednesdays (Oct. 7, 14) 8:00 pm – 10:00pm; (Oct. 21, 28) 7:30 – 9:30 pm
Relax in a zero-gravity chair with your own wine or beverage you bring while we guide you through the night sky, using our laser pointer to show you stars, planets, constellations, galaxies, and other objects of interest, while explaining their relationships and significance.
These events are weather-dependent, and each two-hour session will be cancelled by e-mail 24 hours before scheduled if the cloud cover forecast is greater than 30%.
Dress appropriately for nighttime outdoor weather.
Purchase tickets here or call 262-552-8196.
by William Parker | Oct 4, 2020 | Observatory, Observatory Events, Repeating
Fridays (Oct. 2, 16, 30) 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Bring your family and come take turns looking through our 16-inch telescope at binary stars, dim planets, distant galaxies, and other sky objects. Learn about these objects, their distances, sizes, and orbits as we take you on a two-hour tour of the night sky (though we will remain firmly on the ground). Space is limited to 10 total individuals so reserve your tickets early.
These events are weather-dependent, and each two-hour session will be cancelled by e-mail 24 hours before scheduled if the cloud cover forecast is greater than 30%.
Dress appropriately for nighttime outdoor weather.
Purchase tickets here or call 262-552-8196.
by William Parker | Oct 4, 2020 | Observatory, Observatory Events, Repeating
Tuesdays and Thursdays (Oct. 6, 8, 13, 15) 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm; (Oct. 20, 22, 27, 29) 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Take turns looking through our 16-inch telescope at binary stars, dim planets, distant galaxies, and other sky objects. Between individual views in the observatory dome, receive a guided sky tour standing outside under the stars to appreciate the broader picture of what you see through the telescope.
These events are weather-dependent, and each two-hour session will be cancelled by e-mail 24 hours before scheduled if the cloud cover forecast is greater than 30%.
Dress appropriately for nighttime outdoor weather.
Purchase tickets here or call 262-552-8196.
by William Parker | Oct 4, 2020 | Education, Observatory, Observatory Events, One-Time
Tuesday (Oct. 20) 11:30pm – Wednesday (Oct. 21) 1:30 am
The meteor shower created by the debris of Comet 1P/Halley each year when the Earth passes through its orbit appears to us to emanate from the constellation Orion, and hence this shower is called the Orionids. The Orionids are classified as a Class I Major Shower by the American Meteor Society, meaning that the shower’s rate of visible meteors show significant activity on a year-to-year basis. We expect to see about twenty meteors in an hour. This shower is predicted to peak on the evening of October 20, and its meteors will be most visible to us after Orion rises and our eyes are dark adjusted, radiating from a point in the eastern sky above the star Betelgeuse.
Come join us for a short orientation to the sky at 11:30pm and then a sublime wait for the chance meteor over the two hours following as Orion rises, reclined in our zero-gravity chairs, on Tuesday 11:30pm to Wednesday, October 21 from 1:30am.
This event is weather-dependent and will be cancelled by e-mail 24 hours before the scheduled start time in the event of cloud cover forecast greater than 20% overcast.
Dress appropriately for being still in the nighttime outdoor weather. Blankets and warm beverages are welcome.
Purchase tickets here or call 262-552-8196.