The Great Lakes Commission through the Great Lakes Sediment and Nutrient Reduction Program has granted Hawthorn Hollow $154,830 to install our Wetland Restoration for Ravine Protection Project. This project started 2 years ago with a $75,000 grant from the Fund For Lake Michigan to develop the engineering plan for the project. The ravine and wetland restoration area are on the west end of the new property. The restoration work will take about 3 years. Once completed, we will connect and expand trails onto the new property.

The Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium provided Hawthorn Hollow with a $2,000 grant for supplies and chemicals to control the invasive plant species in our ravine and wetland restoration area. The grant will help us control cut-leaved teasel, buckthorn, reed canary grass and more before and during the installation of our wetland restoration project. This will help us achieve a better outcome for our restoration project.