What provides that much needed oxygen that is so essential for our survival? What brings value to our lives, either as an investment in our homes or in our mental and physical wellbeing/health? The answer to that is simple. Trees!
Our trees at Hawthorn Hollow have been receiving some much needed TLC from Aaron Schauer and his students enrolled in the Arborist and Urban Forestry Technician program at Gateway Technical College. Future arborists and urban forestry technicians have been learning about the proper techniques to assess, trim, remove, and climb trees safely in our living laboratory. These real world experiences support the skill development needed by these students as they prepare for careers as arborists and urban forestry technicians. We are grateful for the assistance that these bright individuals are providing to improve the safety of our landscape and the health of our living treasures, trees. Thank you Aaron and student arborists for caring for our trees!
The Arborist and Urban Forestry Technician Program is a 2 year program at Gateway Technical College. If you know of someone who is interested in pursuing a career in the field of arboriculture or urban forestry, please contact Aaron Schauer, Instructor/ Program Director Arboriculture/ Urban Forestry – GTC at schauera@gtc.edu or 262-564-2464.